
Diamond Colors

How are looking Diamond Colors in Real? Look how Diamond Colors are in Real photos / pictures for D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S Z colors

Diamond color grading chart according to GIA standards. Actual colors on scale D to Z for White to Yellowish Diamonds. Presence of a yellowish tint lowers the price.

Consult also our fancy colored grading chart, Rainbow diamonds all colors. Source: Antwerp World Diamond Trade Centre.

Colorless D - E - F

D color: Exceptional White + (River)

E color: Exceptional White (River)

F color: Rare White + (Top Wesselton)

The Misterious “Blue White Diamonds” D E F color explained

Nearly colorless G – H – I – J

G color: Rare White (Top Wesselton)

H color: White (Wesselton)

I color: Commercial White, Slightly Tinted White (Top Cristal)

J color: Commercial White, Slightly Tinted White (Top Cristal)

Fainth yellowish color K – L – M

K color: Tinted White – Faint yellow (Top Cape)

L color: Tinted White – Faint yellow (Top Cape)

M color: Faint yellow (Tinted Cape)

Very light yellowish color N – O – P – R

N – O – P – R color: Very light yellowish (Tinted Cape)

Light yellowish color S – T – U – V

S – T – U – V color: Light Yellowish (Tinted Cape)

Light yellow color W – X – Y – Z

W – X – Y – Z color: Light Yellow (Tinted Cape)

Influence of fluorescence on color

Please note!
each diamond has its own color and will differ from the standard color!
Notice that nature did not trace lines between the gradually passage of the colors