Diamond Prices
Read moreFluorescence Blue White Diamonds
What is good and bad fluorescence and what is the influence on the color and clarity?
What are milky diamonds?
How GIA grades the fluorescence and milky.
What are mysterious Blue-White Diamonds. Registered Brand Name explained here.
How to recognize readily a real unearthed natural diamond? The answer is simple: Only natural diamonds can be blue-white fluorescent!
How to recognize very easy a synthetic cheap diamond from a real unearthed natural diamond?
Only natural diamonds can be blue-white fluorescent! only natural unearthed rough and polished diamonds can be fluorescent!
This is the best and simplest guarantee to be sure that your diamonds are natural.
There exist good and bad fluorescence! Know the influence on quality: color and clarity / milky! GIA grades the fluorescence and milky by intensity.
The mysterious Blue-White Diamonds, Registered Brand Name explained. Fluorescence simply explained:
The difference in energy between the absorbed light and emitted light is called fluorescence.
If the absorbed light is equal to the emitted light, there is no fluorescence.
On certifcates it is described as NONE
If the emitted light is stronger than the absorbed light the diamond is called fluorescent.
You will find fluorescence in following grading:
NIL or NONE, Faint, Slight, Medium, Strong, Very Strong.
The fluorescence can be Blue or Yellow.
The mysterious Blue-White Diamonds, Registered Brand Name, explained
D – E – F colors with Strong Blue fluorescence are exceptional and therefore extremely rare, accentuating the brightness are called Blue-White diamonds.
When white diamonds in D to F color are Blue fluorescent it quotes the color to the highest grade BLUE WHITE.
Strong BLUE fluorescence do influence the diamond color positive to the highest fashion color.
Warmer white colors from G to Z with Blue fluorescence will enhance the Color to white and will look closer to colorless White. A very positive fact.
Very strong fluorescence can influence the clarity when it turns milky.
You will see by naked eye that the diamond is milky.
The term Milky is always clearly indicated on the GIA, HRD and IGI certificate.
Strong yellow fluorescence and milky clarity will grade the color and clarity lower.
Diamond dealers used the term “Blue-White” to refer to colorless Exceptional White D – E and Rare White + F – EX EX EX H&A ideal cut diamonds with rare strong blue fluorescence.
This is the signature of ultimate visible high class fashion!
The term actually became a status symbol amongst the public and to this day Experts will ask for a Blue-White diamond, the rarest color. Rule 28 of the US Federal Trade Commission’s Trade Practice Rules for the Jewelry Industry addresses this issue:
Rule 28 Misuse of the term “Blue White”:
“It is an unfair trade practice to use the term “blue-white,” or any other term, expression, or representation of similar import, as descriptive of any diamond which under normal, north daylight or its equivalent, shows any color or any trace of any color other than blue or bluish.”
In other words, only a diamond with Strong BLUE fluorescence can be represented as Blue-White Diamonds. A real collectors item, probably Yours.
How to recognize very easy a synthetic cheap diamond from a real unearthed natural diamond? Only natural diamonds can be blue-white fluorescent!
Email me for a quotation of a very rare Blue-White Diamond