Diamond Prices
Read moreFake or Real Diamonds Test Detect Difference
How to Detect Fake from Real Diamonds Online?
Identify now online here! Identify real, natural, untreated diamonds from
false, simulants, moissanite, counterfeit, CZ, zircons, cultured, synthetic, man-made, treated, doublets, crystal, glass and all dirty tricks.
Recognize imitation, replica, and spot fake. Avoid fraud in polished and rough.
Read about bad shopping experience
First rule to not be scammed: NEVER buy a diamond set in a ring or jewelry!
Why? You can NO MORE control:
– fake or real diamonds
– the weight,
– the quality of Cut,
– the quality of Proportions,
– the quality of Symmetry,
– Hearts & Arrows Pattern,
– Girdle thickness,
– the exact color,
– the exact clarity,
– Fluorescence,
– Certificate: can be switched or fake,
– Laser inscription on the girdle of the diamond is most important to guarantee the diamond.
Who can guarantee that the stone is the same as on an average (switched) certificate that is joined?
To be sure the diamond must be broken out of the jewelry to be certified loose by GIA, HRD or IGI.
No other Laboratories are trustworthy!
Selling counterfeit, imitation diamonds is fraudulent and illegal!
We recommend performing several easy tests, for free, without a traditional diamond tester, to detect the difference
between fake and real polished, rough diamonds. When buying a diamond, most people do not have diamond testers.
Read about how to protect you:
Each mineral and synthetic stone has a specific weight. Polished/rough diamonds do too! Don’t confuse size and weight!
Know the specific weight of polished and rough, uncut diamonds. They are distinct from simulants, moissanite, CZ, zircons, cultured, synthetic and other fake stones from real diamonds. View Specific Gravity
Example: A CZ Zircon weighs about 1.31 Carats or about 55% more than a diamond of the same size.
A Moissanite of 6.5 mm (One-carat size) round brilliant, weighs approximately 0.87 carats.
Compare the stone to a real diamond: Use a carat or gram scale.
Sharp or jagged edges on facets
make the difference between fake and real diamonds.
Abraded edges on facets mean fake! Easy to detect. Visible magnified by loupe x 10, without any other instruments.
Draw a line on a piece of paper. Place the stone upside down over the line. If the stone shows the line through the diamond, it is fake. Be aware that it is too difficult to recognize the line at smaller diamonds!
If the diamond is mounted, place it upside down on a piece of paper. If you can read through the print or even see smudges, then it is probably not a diamond. You should not be able to see the bottom, looking directly from the top. Diamonds have a high refractive index.
If the stone shows abraded facet lines, magnified by 10, it is not a diamond.
Take a piece of sandpaper and the stone. If the stone is damaged it is a fake! “Scratch tests” on glass, metal, stones.
Diamonds will cut and scratch everything. Fake will not. diamonds are the hardest material that exists!
Fake rough, uncut diamonds are generally crystals coated with diamond powder by nano technology.
Fake rough and polished will be scattered with sandpaper or on the cutting wheel. They are also easily identifiable in a diamond lab by professionals.
Clarity and Inclusions:
Inclusions in diamonds help in determining that it is a real diamond. Internal and external flaws are a fingerprint,
no two diamonds have the same characteristics.
Fractor-filled diamonds with silicone!
A diamond can be laser drilled to eliminate black spots, inclusion, out of your diamond and filled up with silicone. The professional name is “fractor filled” After a certain time the silicone gets away and the laser drilled holes in your diamond will fill up now with dust, and black spots.
Cheap Diamonds:
50% off the price of a diamond doesn’t exist!
If the comparative price seems too good to be true, it probably is!
You can find huge discounts mostly by fraudulent sellers on the Internet, Auctions, shops and stores.
discount 50%
The diamond certificate is an original but the diamond is switched, not corresponding with the genuine certificate.
HRD, Diamond High Council, GIA and IGI from Antwerp World Diamond Centre,
deliver always genuine certificates in a transparent secured case or laser inscribed on the girdle.
GIA do deliver diamonds loose in a parcel paper.
Controll the laser inscription!
How to detect fake, false certificates: Verify if the Diamond Certificate is the original.
HRD Antwerp-Diamond Lab, GIA and IGI have a new diamond certificate that features enhanced
security measures, and a refined cut grade and can be retrieved and downloaded online.
HRD, GIA and IGI reports and diamond-color certificates issued from January 2005, can be retrieved online,
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Be aware of confusing certificates issued by independent professional GIA gemologists and shops.
Secure sealed diamonds or/and laser inscription on the girdle to avoid switched diamonds:
HRD, GIA and IGI seal the certified diamond in a transparent secured case to avoid switched diamonds!.
When the seal is broken the text “broken seal” will be visible on the backside of the secured case!
That does not mean that the diamond is a fake but that you do not have any guarantee about the
quality of the diamond or eventually a fake in the broken secured case. View the image of a broken seal
Open Seal Shown
Laser inscribed diamonds
Laser inscribed diamonds showing the name of the Diamond Laboratories
such as HRD, IGI, GIA and the number of the certificate is most safe!
Open Seal Shown
HPHT Pocessed diamonds:
You may buy an HPHT-treated diamond to improve its color and clarity at the correct price.
You can only know if a diamond is HPHT processed by the inscription on the diamond certificate
from HRD, GIA and IGI and laser inscribed on the girdle. – 60% off!
Man-made, Synthetic, Gem Lab grown Replica:
They are not comparable to natural untreated diamonds. Be aware! Read gem lab certificates, under comments.
It will be indicated as Synthetic, Gem Lab grown. Value 70% off the price of natural diamonds and
you NEVER will be able to resell. You are better off to share your money and to buy a zircon at US $ 10!
Never buy in Black to avoid taxes! Ask for a Buyback guarantee:
Ask for a real written guarantee on the official invoice only!
Never buy in black to avoid taxes! This kind of shop that will propose you buy in black has only one real intention: Cheat you! It is always scammers… like gold watch sellers in the street hahaha
Important notice!
Outsiders and non-professional diamantaires please be wise and resist the temptation of purchasing a rough diamond.
It requires many years of experience to evaluate the stone. And an expensive Sarin equipment to estimate the yield from rough. Too many ignorant buyers have bought nice pieces of glass!
Diamond Testers: How reliable are they?
Read all about electronic testing Instruments for polished + rough/uncut diamonds and Gold explained and tested.
Some general advice:
Like any major diamond city New York, London, Dubai, Sidney and Antwerp also have their ‘tourist trap’ and mass jewelry stores, open on weekends.
Read more about it here:
47th Street Retailers Hit by Lawsuits by Rob Bates | August 2, 2016
In the last few months, New York Diamond District jewelers have been accused of not disclosing treatments and selling fake grading reports.
I have seen a lot more such cases by web retailers. I can produce plenty of such cases with proof. I do not think any of my customers who bought from web retailers ever saw any money back. etienne@etienneperret.com
Avoid buying in the streets around the Central Sation, the Appelmansstraat, Vestingstraat, Keyserlei and Pelikaanstraat;
so you’d better make sure you visit only official Antwerp Diamond Exchange (bourse) registered diamantairs, if in doubt ask for their registration-member number.
Smart people think they can buy the cheapest in the street at “tourist trap shops”
Warning about bad shopping experience!
A Japanese guy wanted to buy a 1.00 Ct Brilliant diamond D color, Loupe clean.
We refused his visit because he wanted to buy this top-quality diamond at an unrealistic price!
Read this uncensored, life, bad shopping experience of this unteachable Japanese tourist who did know it all better than professionals:
I visited to your town last May and bought a diamond at a shop.
The shop’s name was the ‘Royalty Jewellery & Diamond’ and was just in front of the central station.
The price was 500 EUR but the shop cut the VISA card at the price of 5,000 EUR!
The shop cheated me. Scam!
After that, the diamond was revealed as a fake.
I asked to exam the stone at my company’s test labo,
The ‘VISA company’ didn’t help me any more although the act was exact.
I guess that all the diamond shops are doing like that acts in all around the town accompany with VISA company, so, I are going to open this in ‘Twitter’ and ‘Facebook’ from now on again and again and I are going to appeal it persistently.
Are you ok for you? ‘All the diamond shops are dealing the fake diamonds usually…
Don’t buy a diamond in shops. Diamond is a fake’
I believe that my note will affect your town’s bad reputation.
The shop’s name was the ‘Royalty Jewellery & Diamond’ and was just in front of the Antwerpen central station.
Although I have been contacting with them for a long time, they don’t reply me yet.
I reported a report to your police station via the government sightseeing station, but the police station asked me to visit the office by myself again. I don’t have money to visit your town again at present. I just inquire you that like this bad behavior are done usually in your town?
How can we chaeck a diamond if a real one or not at the shop?
Please discuss this fact with your town’s diamond shops’ committee.
The cc adress is the shop’s opened e-mail one, but I have not been replied from them yet via this address. Their web site’s information was also fake…. The tel number only is exact at present. +32(0)3-203 00 44 Very bad clarks will go on the phone. Tsuneo Maruyama, Japan Email: t-maruya@mx2.nisiq.net