
The Ajediam Glossary


AA Pendant

An AA pendant is a pendant featuring the symbol "AA" which typically represents Alcoholics Anonymous. It is worn as a symbol of support and recovery for individuals who have overcome or are currently battling alcohol addiction.

AGS (American Gem Society)

A respected organization dedicated to gemological research, education, and grading services. The American Gem Society is known for its rigorous standards in diamond and gemstone grading, providing consumers with reliable information about the quality of their gemstone purchases.

Abalone Pearl

A type of pearl produced by the abalone, a sea snail. Abalone pearls are often irregular in shape and display a rich play of colors.

Abbot's Ring

Traditionally worn by an abbot in the Roman Catholic Church, this ecclesiastical ring often features a gemstone, usually amethyst or sapphire.

Abingdon Brooch

The Abingdon Brooch is a historical brooch dating back to the Anglo-Saxon era. It is a large circular brooch made of gold and garnet, often decorated with intricate filigree work and cloisonné enamel. The brooch is named after the town of Abingdon in England, where a similar brooch was discovered.

Abraxas Stone

Gemstones engraved with the figure Abraxas, a deity with a human body, head of a rooster, and serpentine legs, often used in Gnostic amulets.

Achaemenian Jewelry

Jewelry from the Achaemenid Empire, also known as the First Persian Empire, known for its gold work and intricate designs.


A colorless variety of tourmaline. The name comes from the Greek words meaning "without color."

Acid Treatment

A gemstone enhancement method that involves treating the stone with acidic substances to alter its color or clarity. Acid treatment is a controversial practice, and disclosure is crucial in maintaining transparency and ethical standards in the gemstone industry.

Acrostic Jewelry

Jewelry where the first letter of each gemstone spells out a word, such as a name or message. For example, a piece using Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, and Ruby could spell "DEAR."

Acrylic Jewelry

Acrylic jewelry refers to jewelry pieces made from acrylic, a type of plastic material. Acrylic jewelry can be designed in various styles and colors, and it is lightweight, affordable, and often used as a fashion accessory.


A long pin used in ancient times to fasten the drapery of the dress. It was often adorned with precious stones and elaborate designs.


An old term referring to any very hard substance. In some texts, it may refer to diamond due to its hardness.


A term used to describe the high luster of a gemstone, similar to the luster of a diamond.

Adder Stone

A type of stone with a naturally occurring hole through it. They were often worn as amulets in Britain and believed to have magical properties.

Adolphus, Gustavus Pendant

The Gustavus Adolphus pendant is a commemorative pendant that features an image or likeness of King Gustavus Adolphus II of Sweden (1594-1632). It is often made of metal, such as silver or gold, and may be worn as a historical or patriotic symbol.

Adriatic Jewelry

Jewelry originating from the Adriatic region, often featuring designs and techniques characteristic of the area.


An optical phenomenon seen in certain gemstones like moonstone, where a billowy, ghost-like light appears to float on the surface of the stone.


A variety of orthoclase feldspar that displays a blueish sheen or schiller called adularescence, often used to produce moonstone.

Aegina Treasure

A collection of ancient Greek jewelry and other artifacts dating back to the Bronze Age, discovered on the island of Aegina.


A dark green to black mineral related to Jadeite that belongs to the pyroxene group. It is often used as a gemstone and is known for its lustrous appearance.

Afful Hoard

Hoard discovered near Gaza, Israel, containing gold and silver jewelry. Suggested to have been hidden by a local jeweler for remodelling. Features Bronze Age Canaanite art with Egyptian motifs and granulated gold decoration.

African (West) Jewelry

Jewelry styles and designs originating from West Africa, known for their intricate metalwork, vibrant beadwork, and unique cultural significance.

African Emerald

A term sometimes used to refer mostly to green fluospar but also green garnets, such as tsavorite or demantoid garnets, that are found in Africa. They are not true emeralds but share a similar green color.

African Jade

A trade name for various green minerals, such as green grossular garnet or green serpentine, that resemble jade and therefore sometimes also called "Transvaal jade".

African Jewelry

African jewelry encompasses the wide range of jewelry traditions and styles found across the African continent. It includes jewelry made by various African cultures and tribes, featuring distinctive materials, techniques, and symbolic designs that reflect the cultural heritage and artistic expressions of different regions.


A type of chalcedony quartz that often exhibits banded patterns and comes in a wide range of colors. It is commonly used for jewelry and decorative objects.

Agate Jasper

A type of agate that displays the colors and patterns of jasper, typically characterized by its earthy tones and unique banding patterns.

Agate Opal

Agate opal is a type of gemstone that displays characteristics of both agate and opal. It is formed when opal fills the cavities or voids in agate, creating a unique combination of patterns and colors. Agate opal is prized for its vibrant play of colors and the intriguing contrast between the opal and agate formations.

Agatized Coral

Fossilized coral that has been replaced by agate, preserving the coral's structure while imbuing it with the properties of agate. It can display fascinating patterns and colors.

Aggry Bead

Aggry beads are decorative glass beads that were historically produced in Venice and used as trade beads in West Africa. They are typically made of multicolored glass with intricate patterns and designs. Aggry beads hold cultural and historical significance as they were used as currency, status symbols, and adornments in African societies.


A tapering ornament of metal worn on garments or hats, often enameled or jeweled. Popular in England during the Elizabethan period.

Agnus Dei

A pendant or jewel depicting the Lamb of God as a symbol of Christ, often with a nimbus, Latin cross, and a banner or staff bearing a Maltese Cross.


A clasp or fastener for a cloak, taking the form of a hook sewn on one side of the garment to be attached to a loop or ring sewn on the other side.


Hat or hair ornament, often shaped like an egret plume, supporting a feather. Adorned with gemstones, enamel, and vibrating metal stalks. Popular from 17th to late 18th century, and again in late 19th to early 20th century.


Brooch or earring with cascading gemstones decreasing in size, ending in a thin, tapering, pointed stone. Known as en pampilles style.

Ajjul Hoard

The Ajjul Hoard is a collection of ancient jewelry and coins discovered in the town of Ajjul in the West Bank. The hoard consists of various artifacts dating back to different historical periods, providing insights into the cultural and economic activities of ancient civilizations in the region.

Ajouré Work

Openwork pattern created by cutting holes in a metal sheet.


Akabar is a term used to describe an imitation diamond or simulated diamond made of glass or other materials. It is often used in vintage or antique jewelry pieces as a more affordable alternative to natural diamonds.

Akbar Shah Diamond

Indian diamond owned by Akbar Shah, Great Mogul of India (1542-1605). Engraved by Shah Jehan, later recut, and its current whereabouts are unknown.


Light green variety of diopside.

Alaska Diamond

Local misnomer for rock crystal, a colorless variety of quartz.

Albert Chain

An Albert chain is a type of pocket watch chain that typically features a decorative T-bar and a swivel clasp on one end. It is named after Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, who popularized the style of wearing pocket watches with this type of chain. Albert chains are often made of precious metals like gold or silver and can be worn as a fashion accessory or functional timepiece.

Albert, Gilbert (1930-)

Leading Swiss designer-maker of jewelry, known for abstract gold jewelry incorporating meteorite fragments and other objects.

Alençon Diamond

The Alençon Diamond is a historical diamond that was reportedly owned by Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1433-1477). It is believed to be a large yellow diamond with a weight of approximately 55 carats. The Alençon Diamond has gained legendary status due to its historical significance and rare beauty.

Aleppo Stone

Aleppo stone, also known as Syrian serpentine, is a type of green stone with a mottled appearance that is found in the region of Aleppo, Syria. It has been used for centuries in jewelry and decorative objects. Aleppo stone is valued for its unique coloration and texture, making it a sought-after material for artisans and collectors.


Alexandrite is a rare and valuable gemstone known for its unique color-changing properties. It can exhibit green or bluish-green hues in daylight or fluorescent light, and red or purplish-red hues in incandescent light. Alexandrite is highly prized by collectors and jewelry enthusiasts for its captivating color phenomenon.

Alfred Jewel

The Alfred Jewel is a historical artifact from the late 9th century England. It is a decorative piece made of gold, enamel, and rock crystal, featuring an image of an eagle. The Alfred Jewel is believed to have been commissioned by Alfred the Great, King of Wessex, and serves as a symbol of royal patronage and craftsmanship from the period.

Alhstan Ring

The Alhstan Ring is a medieval ring discovered in the River Thames in England. It is made of gold and set with a sapphire gemstone. The ring is believed to have belonged to Alhstan, Bishop of Sherborne, who lived during the 9th century. The Alhstan Ring is a significant archaeological find and offers insights into the craftsmanship and luxury items of the time.

Aliseda Treasure

The Aliseda Treasure refers to a collection of Roman jewelry and coins discovered in Aliseda, Spain. It includes various gold and silver jewelry pieces, such as bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, as well as Roman coins. The Aliseda Treasure provides valuable historical and artistic information about the Roman presence in the region.

Alleberg Collar

The Alleberg Collar is a historical jewelry piece dating back to the Bronze Age found in Sweden. It is a collar-shaped necklace made of gold and characterized by its intricate spiral and geometric patterns. The Alleberg Collar is an exceptional example of ancient Nordic craftsmanship and represents the cultural and artistic traditions of the time.

Allegorical Subjects

Allegorical subjects in jewelry refer to symbolic representations or motifs that convey abstract concepts, moral values, or philosophical ideas. These subjects are often depicted through figurative designs, such as angels, mythological figures, or personifications of virtues. Allegorical jewelry can carry deeper meanings and messages beyond their decorative appeal.


In jewelry, an alloy refers to a mixture of two or more metals. It is created by combining different metallic elements to achieve desired properties such as strength, durability, color, or resistance to tarnish. Common jewelry alloys include sterling silver (silver and copper), white gold (gold, silver, nickel, and palladium), and rose gold (gold, copper, and sometimes silver). Alloys are widely used in jewelry making to enhance the characteristics of the metals used.

Alluvial Deposit

A geological deposit formed by the erosion and sedimentation of rocks, resulting in the accumulation of gemstones or minerals in riverbeds or other water sources. Alluvial deposits are a common source of gemstones, offering a mix of various minerals due to water transport.

Alma Chain

Alma chain is a type of jewelry chain characterized by its small, oval-shaped links that are connected in a continuous pattern. It is commonly used for delicate necklaces and bracelets, adding a subtle and elegant touch to the jewelry piece.


Almandine is a variety of garnet known for its deep red to reddish-brown color. It is a popular gemstone used in jewelry and is valued for its rich color and durability. Almandine garnets are often faceted to enhance their brilliance and can be found in various sizes and shapes.

Almandine Spinel

Almandine spinel is a synthetic gemstone that resembles natural almandine garnet. It is created through a process called the Verneuil method, where powdered materials are melted and crystallized to form a synthetic crystal. Almandine spinel exhibits a deep red color and is used as a gemstone in jewelry.


Almandite is another term for almandine garnet, a variety of garnet gemstone. It shares the same properties as almandine, including its deep red to reddish-brown color and durability. Almandite is often used interchangeably with almandine in the gemstone and jewelry industry.

Altenstetter, David

David Altenstetter was a renowned jeweler and goldsmith who lived during the 16th century. He was known for his exquisite craftsmanship and intricate designs, creating jewelry pieces for European royalty and nobility. Altenstetter's works are highly valued and sought after by collectors.


Aluminum is a lightweight and versatile metal commonly used in jewelry making. It is known for its silver-white color, corrosion resistance, and low density. Aluminum is often used in fashion jewelry and costume jewelry due to its affordability and ease of manipulation.


In jewelry making, amalgam refers to a mixture of mercury and one or more other metals, such as silver or gold. It is used as a bonding agent or filler material in certain jewelry manufacturing processes, particularly in the creation of dental and medical jewelry.


Amaryl is a brand name for a type of jewelry adhesive or glue commonly used in jewelry making and repair. It is known for its strong bonding properties and is often used to secure gemstones, beads, or findings onto jewelry components. Amaryl adhesive dries clear and provides a durable hold.

Amazon Jade

Amazon jade, also known as amazonite, is a green to bluish-green gemstone characterized by its attractive color and fine texture. It is often used in jewelry and is valued for its aesthetic appeal and perceived calming and balancing properties.


Amazonite is a green to bluish-green variety of microcline feldspar. It is named after the Amazon River in South America, where it was once believed to have been found. Amazonite is prized for its vibrant color and is frequently used in jewelry and ornamental carvings.


Amber is a fossilized resin derived from ancient trees. It is known for its warm golden color and can contain inclusions such as plant material or insects, making it highly prized as a gemstone. Amber has been used in jewelry and decorative objects for thousands of years.

Amber Opal

Amber opal, also known as honey opal, is a type of opal that exhibits warm yellow to orange colors reminiscent of amber. It is a precious opal variety prized for its play-of-color, which can include flashes of red, green, and blue. Amber opal is used in jewelry for its unique and captivating appearance.


Ambergris is a waxy substance produced by the sperm whale. It is primarily used in perfumery as a fixative, but it has also been used in the production of high-end jewelry and as an ingredient in traditional medicine. Ambergris is known for its unique fragrance and rarity.


Amberine is a trade name for a type of synthetic amber. It is created using a combination of natural amber chips or powder and a binding resin. The resulting material is then shaped and polished to resemble natural amber. Amberine is used as a more affordable alternative to natural amber in jewelry.


Amberoid is a fossilized resin that has undergone a process of transformation, resulting in a material that resembles natural amber. It is often created by subjecting resinous materials to high heat and pressure over long periods of time. Amberoid is sometimes used in jewelry as a substitute for natural amber.


Amblygonite is a mineral that belongs to the phosphate group. It is known for its pale yellow to greenish-yellow color and can exhibit vitreous to pearly luster. Amblygonite is sometimes faceted and used as a gemstone, although it is relatively rare compared to other gem materials.

American Brilliant Cut

The American Brilliant Cut is a specific diamond cutting style that was popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It is characterized by a round shape with numerous facets, maximizing the diamond's brilliance and fire. The American Brilliant Cut is often used in antique and vintage diamond jewelry.

American Indian Jewelry

American Indian jewelry refers to jewelry pieces created by Native American tribes and artists in North America. It encompasses a wide range of styles and techniques, reflecting the diverse cultural traditions and craftsmanship of different tribes. American Indian jewelry often incorporates natural materials and symbolic designs.

American Jade

American jade, also known as Wyoming jade, is a type of nephrite jade found in the United States. It is valued for its vibrant green color and smooth texture, making it suitable for carving and jewelry making. American jade is associated with various metaphysical properties and is often used for ornamental purposes.

American Ruby

American ruby is a term used to describe red-colored gemstones found in the United States. It may refer to certain types of garnets, spinels, or other gemstones that exhibit a rich red hue. American ruby is valued for its color and can be used in various types of jewelry.

American Setting

The American setting is a specific type of gemstone setting technique commonly used in jewelry. It involves securing a gemstone in place using prongs or claws, which are folded over the edges of the stone to hold it securely. The American setting allows maximum light exposure to the gemstone, enhancing its brilliance and showcasing its beauty.


Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz, valued for its beautiful color and transparency. It ranges in shades of purple, from light lavender to deep violet. Amethyst is a popular gemstone used in various types of jewelry, including rings, pendants, and earrings. It is also associated with spiritual and metaphysical properties, symbolizing calmness, clarity, and protection.

Amethyst Quartz

Amethyst quartz refers to a variety of quartz that displays amethyst's characteristic purple color. It is essentially quartz with a purple hue, ranging from pale lilac to deep violet. Amethyst quartz is commonly used as a gemstone in jewelry and shares similar metaphysical properties with amethyst, promoting spiritual growth, relaxation, and balance.


Amethystine is an adjective used to describe objects or gemstones that resemble or have qualities similar to amethyst. It can refer to various purple-hued gemstones or materials with an amethyst-like appearance. The term is often used in the context of describing jewelry pieces or other decorative items.

Amherst Brooch

The Amherst brooch is a renowned and historic jewelry piece named after William Pitt Amherst, 1st Earl Amherst, who served as the Governor-General of India in the 19th century. The brooch is adorned with a large gemstone, usually a cabochon-cut amethyst, surrounded by smaller diamonds or other gemstones. It is considered a fine example of antique jewelry.

Amman, Jost

Jost Amman was a renowned German artist and printmaker who lived during the late 16th and early 17th centuries. While not directly associated with jewelry, Amman's intricate engravings and illustrations often depicted various decorative objects and costumes, providing valuable insights into the jewelry styles and fashions of the time.


Ammonite is an extinct group of marine mollusks that lived millions of years ago. The shells of ammonites often fossilize and are prized for their spiral shape and intricate patterns. Ammonite fossils are sometimes cut and polished to create unique and eye-catching gemstone cabochons. They are used in jewelry design, particularly in the creation of pendants and earrings.


Amorphous refers to a material that lacks a definite crystalline structure. In the context of jewelry, it can describe certain gemstones or materials used in jewelry making that do not possess a regular crystal lattice arrangement. Examples of amorphous materials used in jewelry include opal, amber, and organic materials like pearls and coral.


An amulet is a small object, often worn or carried as a personal adornment, believed to bring good luck, protection, or other positive influences to the wearer. Amulets can take various forms, such as pendants, rings, or charms, and are made from different materials, including gemstones, metals, or symbolic objects. Amulets have a long history across different cultures.

Amulet Box

An amulet box is a small container or receptacle designed to hold and protect amulets or other sacred objects. It is often crafted with decorative elements and may feature intricate engravings or gemstone embellishments. Amulet boxes can have symbolic significance and are used in various cultures as a way to store and transport precious or spiritually significant items.

Amulet Case

An amulet case is similar to an amulet box, serving as a protective container for amulets or talismans. It is typically smaller in size and may be worn as a pendant or attached to a bracelet or necklace. Amulet cases can be intricately designed, often featuring ornate metalwork, gemstone accents, or symbolic engravings. They are used to keep amulets close to the wearer's body.


Amygdaloid is a type of rock or stone characterized by rounded cavities or vesicles filled with minerals. These cavities are often formed from gas bubbles trapped in lava during volcanic activity. Amygdaloid rocks can have unique patterns and colors, making them attractive for use in jewelry as decorative cabochons or polished specimens.


An anadem is a type of decorative headband or circlet worn as a symbol of royalty or high social status. It is typically adorned with gemstones, precious metals, or ornate designs. Anadems have a long history, dating back to ancient civilizations, and continue to be used in ceremonial and formal occasions, often associated with bridal attire or historical costume.


An anadema is a specific type of anadem or tiara, traditionally worn by women as a crown-like headpiece. It typically features a band adorned with gemstones, pearls, or other decorative elements. Anademas are associated with ceremonial or formal occasions, symbolizing elegance, beauty, and regality. They have been used throughout history in various cultures.


An anaglyph is a decorative or artistic element carved or engraved in relief on a gemstone or other material. It involves creating a design or pattern that stands out from the background surface. Anaglyphs can be found on various jewelry pieces, such as signet rings or seals, and often feature intricate motifs, symbols, or personal monograms.


Analecta refers to a collection or compilation of selected writings, texts, or literary works. In the context of jewelry, it can refer to publications or books dedicated to the study, history, or appreciation of jewelry, gemstones, or related topics. Analecta can provide valuable insights and information for jewelry enthusiasts, collectors, or researchers.

Ancestral Jewelry

Ancestral jewelry refers to jewelry pieces that have been passed down through generations within a family. These pieces often hold sentimental value and can carry stories and memories of ancestors. Ancestral jewelry may include items such as rings, necklaces, brooches, or other personal adornments that have been cherished and preserved over time.


Andalusite is a gemstone that exhibits pleochroism, meaning it can display different colors when viewed from different angles. It commonly occurs in shades of brown, green, or reddish-brown, with each color showing depending on the crystal orientation. Andalusite is valued for its unique color play and is used in various types of jewelry, including rings and pendants.


Andesine is a type of feldspar mineral that can exhibit a range of colors, including red, orange, and green. It is often used as a gemstone in jewelry and is known for its attractive color and transparency. However, it's worth noting that some andesine gemstones may undergo treatments or enhancements to achieve their desirable color.


Androgynous refers to the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics or qualities, often associated with a non-binary or gender-neutral identity. In the context of jewelry, androgynous designs or styles may feature elements that appeal to both genders or transcend traditional gender norms, making them suitable for individuals of any gender identity.

Andvare Ring

The Andvare Ring is a mythical ring in Norse mythology associated with the dwarf Andvari. According to the legend, the ring possesses magical powers and is often depicted as a precious item of great value. It is a significant element in various Norse sagas and tales.

Angel Skin Coral

Angel Skin Coral is a type of coral known for its delicate pink or peach coloration. It is highly valued in jewelry making and is often used to create feminine and elegant pieces. Angel Skin Coral is sought after for its soft hues and natural beauty, making it a popular choice for necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.

Angel's Breath

Angel's Breath, also known as Angel's Breath Opal, is a trade name for a type of opal that exhibits a milky or opalescent appearance. It is characterized by its light and ethereal play-of-color, resembling the delicate breath of an angel. Angel's Breath Opal is used in jewelry to create dreamy and mystical designs.

Angel's Hair

Angel's Hair is a term used to describe a type of very fine, delicate gold wire that is used in jewelry making. It is typically twisted or woven to create intricate designs and decorative elements. Angel's Hair adds a delicate and ethereal touch to jewelry pieces, often enhancing their overall aesthetic appeal.

Angel's Skin

Angel's Skin is a term used to describe a type of gemstone or mineral with a soft, cloud-like appearance and a pale, translucent color. It is often associated with stones such as angelite or certain varieties of chalcedony. Angel's Skin gemstones are used in jewelry to create serene and ethereal designs.


Angiosperm is a term used in botany to refer to a flowering plant. In the context of jewelry, it may be used to describe botanical-inspired designs or jewelry pieces that feature motifs of flowers, leaves, or other elements related to flowering plants. Angiosperm-themed jewelry often embodies the beauty and vitality of nature.

Anhui Jade

Anhui Jade, also known as Lantian Jade or Hualian Jade, is a type of jadeite or nephrite jade that originates from the Anhui province in China. It is highly valued for its beautiful green color and high translucency. Anhui Jade has been used for centuries to create exquisite carvings and jewelry pieces.

Ani, Chalice of

The Chalice of Ani is an ancient Egyptian artifact that dates back to the 14th century BCE. It is a ceremonial vessel made of gold and adorned with intricate engravings and precious gemstones. The Chalice of Ani is an exceptional example of ancient Egyptian goldsmithing and represents the artistry of the time.


Anima is a term often used in jewelry design to describe a piece that represents the soul or essence of a living being. It may feature symbolic elements or motifs that evoke a sense of vitality and life force. Anima-inspired jewelry can be meaningful and hold personal significance for the wearer.

Animal Jewelry

Animal jewelry refers to jewelry pieces that incorporate animal motifs or are inspired by animals. It can feature designs depicting various animals such as birds, mammals, insects, or marine creatures. Animal jewelry celebrates the beauty and symbolism of the animal kingdom, and it can hold personal or cultural significance.


The Ankh, also known as the Key of Life or the Egyptian Cross, is an ancient Egyptian symbol resembling a looped cross with a handle. It represents eternal life and is often associated with deities and pharaohs. The Ankh is a popular symbol in Egyptian-inspired jewelry, conveying a sense of spirituality and connection to the divine.


An anklet is a type of jewelry worn around the ankle. It can be made of various materials such as metals, beads, gemstones, or charms. Anklets are often decorative and can be worn for fashion purposes or as traditional adornments in certain cultures. They add a touch of elegance and style to the ankle area.


Annealing is a heat treatment process used in jewelry making to improve the metal's ductility and reduce its hardness. It involves heating the metal to a specific temperature and then slowly cooling it. Annealing helps to relieve stress in the metal and make it more malleable for shaping and forming during the jewelry fabrication process.


Annelida is a scientific term used to refer to a phylum of segmented worms, which includes various species such as earthworms and marine polychaetes. In the context of jewelry, Annelida may be used to describe designs or motifs inspired by the natural forms or patterns found in these segmented worms.


Anodized refers to a surface treatment process used on metals, particularly aluminum, to create a protective oxide layer and add color to the metal's surface. Anodized metals are durable and resistant to corrosion, and they can be dyed in a wide range of vibrant colors. Anodized metals are used in jewelry to achieve colorful and contemporary designs.


Anomalite is a trade name for a type of gemstone that exhibits a unique and distinctive optical effect known as anomalous diffraction. It displays a play-of-color that appears to move across the stone's surface when viewed from different angles. Anomalite is valued for its mesmerizing and dynamic appearance, making it a sought-after gem for jewelry.


An antefix is a decorative architectural element typically used in ancient Greek and Roman buildings. It is a vertical ornament or plaque placed at the end of a roof tile to conceal the joints and provide an aesthetically pleasing finish. In jewelry, antefix-inspired designs may feature motifs or shapes reminiscent of these ancient architectural elements.


Antelope refers to a group of mammal species belonging to the Bovidae family. In jewelry, antelope motifs may be used to represent the grace, agility, or symbolic meaning associated with these animals. Antelope-inspired jewelry can capture the beauty of nature and add a touch of wildness and elegance to the wearer's style.

Anthony, Susan B.

Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women's rights activist who played a pivotal role in the women's suffrage movement. In the context of jewelry, Anthony-inspired pieces may feature designs or symbols related to women's rights, feminism, or equality, paying tribute to her legacy and advocacy for women's empowerment.


Materials or coatings applied to jewelry to prevent or reduce tarnishing, which is the natural process of metal oxidation. Anti-tarnish solutions help maintain the luster and appearance of metal jewelry over time, contributing to the longevity of the pieces.


Anticlastic is a term used in jewelry design to describe a type of curvature or surface shape where the metal is formed into opposing convex and concave curves. Anticlastic forms can create visually dynamic and sculptural jewelry designs, showcasing unique textures and distinctive three-dimensional shapes.


Antinous was a historical figure known for being a beloved companion of the Roman Emperor Hadrian. In jewelry, Antinous-inspired pieces may depict his likeness or symbolize beauty and admiration.


Antler refers to the bony structure that grows on the heads of certain animals, such as deer or elk. In jewelry, antler may be used as a material for creating unique and rustic designs, often favored in nature-inspired or bohemian-style jewelry.


Apache refers to a Native American tribe known for their rich cultural heritage. Apache-inspired jewelry may incorporate traditional symbols, motifs, or materials associated with Apache culture, reflecting their artistic traditions and storytelling.


Apatite is a gemstone that comes in various colors, including blue, green, yellow, and purple. It is valued for its vibrant hues and can be used in jewelry as gemstone accents or as the main focal point in designs.


Aphrodite is a Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, and desire. Aphrodite-inspired jewelry may feature romantic and feminine designs, incorporating elements such as hearts, flowers, or symbols associated with love and beauty.


Apical refers to the highest or topmost point of something. In jewelry, apical may be used to describe designs or settings where a prominent gemstone or decorative element is placed at the pinnacle, creating a focal point or emphasizing its importance.


Apotropaic refers to objects or symbols believed to have the power to ward off evil or protect against harm. Apotropaic jewelry may incorporate amulets, talismans, or protective symbols with the intention of bringing good fortune and warding off negative energy.


Appalachian refers to the cultural and geographical region in the Eastern United States known for its distinct traditions and folklore. Appalachian-inspired jewelry may draw inspiration from the region's nature, music, crafts, or cultural motifs.


Appendage refers to a part or extension attached to the main body of an object. In jewelry, an appendage can refer to a decorative element, pendant, or charm attached to a necklace, bracelet, or other jewelry pieces, adding extra visual interest or symbolism.


Appraisal refers to the assessment or evaluation of the value, quality, and characteristics of a piece of jewelry. Jewelry appraisals are conducted by professionals to determine the monetary worth or authenticity of a piece, often required for insurance or resale purposes.

Apron-stage pendant

An apron-stage pendant is a type of pendant design featuring a central gemstone or decorative element suspended from a horizontal bar or platform, resembling an apron. This design often creates a layered or cascading effect, adding dimension and visual interest to the piece.


Aquamarine is a gemstone known for its light blue to greenish-blue color. It is often associated with calmness, clarity, and the soothing properties of water. Aquamarine is widely used in jewelry, ranging from delicate accents to stunning centerpieces in various designs.

Aquamarine chrysolite

Aquamarine chrysolite is a term used to describe a greenish-yellow variety of aquamarine. It combines the soft blue hues of aquamarine with hints of yellow or green, creating a unique color variation that can be used in jewelry to add a touch of vibrancy and individuality.

Aquamarine topaz

Aquamarine topaz refers to a blue variety of topaz gemstone that resembles the color of aquamarine. It offers an alternative option for achieving the light blue tones associated with aquamarine in jewelry designs, often prized for its clarity and brilliance.


Arabesque is a decorative artistic style characterized by intricate and flowing patterns, often inspired by elements of Islamic art and architecture. Arabesque motifs are commonly used in jewelry design, featuring delicate and ornate patterns that create an elegant and timeless aesthetic.

Archaeological jewelry

Archaeological jewelry refers to pieces inspired by ancient civilizations and archaeological finds. These jewelry pieces may incorporate ancient symbols, motifs, or techniques, offering a glimpse into the rich history and cultural heritage of past civilizations.

Archer's collar

Archer's collar, also known as an archer's necklace, is a type of necklace design that features a collar-like shape with a central pendant or focal point. This style is reminiscent of traditional collars worn by archers and can be crafted in various materials and designs.

Archer's pendant

An archer's pendant is a pendant or charm inspired by archery and its associated symbolism. It may depict an arrow, a bow, or other archery-related elements, symbolizing attributes such as strength, focus, or determination. Archers may wear these pendants as a personal talisman or statement piece.

Archer's thumb ring

An archer's thumb ring is a ring worn by archers on their thumb to protect and enhance their grip on the bowstring. In jewelry, an archer's thumb ring may be designed to resemble the traditional thumb rings used in archery or incorporate archery motifs as a decorative element.

Architectural style

Architectural style refers to the design influences and characteristics of a specific architectural era or movement. In jewelry, architectural style can be interpreted through geometric shapes, structural elements, or motifs inspired by architectural features, reflecting the aesthetics of different architectural periods.

Arcot diamonds

Arcot diamonds are a collection of diamonds originating from the Arcot region in southern India. They are known for their high quality and exceptional brilliance.

Arizona ruby

Arizona ruby refers to a type of red gemstone found in the state of Arizona, USA. It is not a true ruby, but rather a red variety of garnet known as pyrope-almandine. Arizona ruby is prized for its deep red color and can be used as a gemstone in jewelry.

Arizona spinel

Arizona spinel is a variety of spinel gemstone found in Arizona, USA. It is known for its vibrant colors, including red, pink, and purple. Arizona spinel is valued for its brilliance and can be used as a gemstone in various types of jewelry.

Ark locket

An ark locket is a pendant or locket in the shape of a miniature ark or ship. It is often designed with intricate details and may have a hinged lid that opens to reveal a small compartment for holding keepsakes or tiny mementos. Ark lockets are symbolic and decorative pieces of jewelry.

Arkansas diamond

Arkansas diamond refers to a natural diamond found in the state of Arkansas, USA. These diamonds are known for their quality and can be found in various shapes and sizes. Arkansas diamonds are used in jewelry and are highly regarded by collectors and enthusiasts.

Armada (Heneage) jewel

The Armada jewel, also known as the Heneage jewel, is a historic jewelry piece associated with the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. It is a pendant or jewel made of gold and set with diamonds and other gemstones, designed as a commemorative piece of English history.


An armilla is a type of bracelet or bangle that originated in ancient Rome and was popular during the Renaissance era. It consists of a circular band that wraps around the arm or wrist, often adorned with engravings, gemstones, or decorative motifs.

Armillary ring

An armillary ring is a type of ring that features an openwork design resembling an armillary sphere, which is a model of celestial circles used in astronomy. The ring's design may include multiple interlocking rings or bands, symbolizing unity or a connection to the cosmos.


An armlet is a type of bracelet or decorative band that is worn on the upper arm. It can be made of various materials, such as metal, fabric, or beads, and may feature intricate patterns or embellishments. Armlets have been worn in different cultures throughout history as a fashion accessory.

Art Deco

A style of visual arts and design widespread in the 1920s, 30s, and 40s, characterized by geometric shapes, symmetrical designs, and bold colors in jewelry.

Art Nouveau

A style of art and architecture, popular from 1890 to 1910, influencing jewelry design with organic forms and intricate, flowing designs.


Articulated in jewelry refers to a design or construction technique where individual parts or segments are connected by flexible joints, allowing movement and flexibility. This technique is often used in creating bracelets, necklaces, or earrings with dangling or swinging components.

Articulated bracelet

An articulated bracelet is a type of bracelet that consists of multiple interconnected segments or links, allowing the bracelet to move and flex along with the wearer's wrist. This design provides comfort and flexibility, often featuring intricate patterns or gemstone settings.


A technique in jewelry design that involves creating movable parts or joints within a piece. This allows the jewelry to move fluidly, enhancing both aesthetics and wearer comfort.

Artificial pearl

An artificial pearl, also known as a faux pearl or imitation pearl, is a man-made or synthetic pearl created through various processes. It is designed to resemble a natural pearl in appearance but is not formed naturally within a living organism. Artificial pearls are widely used in jewelry.

Artisan Jewelry

Handcrafted jewelry created by skilled artisans, emphasizing unique designs, quality craftsmanship, and a personal touch. Artisan jewelry reflects the individuality and creativity of the maker, offering consumers an alternative to mass-produced and commercial pieces.

Artisanal Mining

Small-scale mining operations conducted by individuals or local communities, often using manual labor and traditional methods. Artisanal mining plays a significant role in sourcing ethically and sustainably produced gemstones, supporting local economies and minimizing environmental impact.


An artist-designer refers to an individual who creates original and unique jewelry designs. They combine artistic vision and technical skills to produce one-of-a-kind pieces or limited-edition collections. Artist-designers often bring their personal style and creativity to their jewelry creations.

Ashanti jewelry

Ashanti jewelry refers to the traditional jewelry and adornments of the Ashanti people, an ethnic group in Ghana, West Africa. Ashanti jewelry is known for its intricate designs, the use of gold and other precious materials, and its cultural significance in Ashanti traditions and ceremonies.

Ashbee, Charles Robert

Charles Robert Ashbee was a prominent British architect and designer who was associated with the Arts and Crafts movement. He founded the Guild of Handicraft in the late 19th century, which produced handmade jewelry and other decorative arts in a style influenced by the Arts and Crafts philosophy.

Asparagus stone

Asparagus stone, also known as asparagus jade or serpentine jade, is a green gemstone that resembles the shape and color of an asparagus spear. It is not a true jade but is named for its visual similarity. Asparagus stone is used as a gemstone and is often carved into decorative objects or beads.


Assay refers to the process of testing and analyzing the purity or quality of precious metals, such as gold or silver. It involves determining the metal content or fineness through chemical or physical methods. Assay is an important step in jewelry production to ensure the authenticity and value of the metal.


Assaying is the act or process of conducting an assay, which involves testing and analyzing the composition or purity of precious metals or gemstones. Assaying is performed by skilled professionals known as assayers, who use various methods and instruments to determine the quality or authenticity of the materials.

Asscher Cut

The Asscher Cut is a diamond cut named after its creator, Joseph Asscher. It is a square or rectangular step-cut with truncated corners and a high crown. The Asscher Cut is known for its unique faceting and brilliance, creating a distinctive appearance. It is commonly used for engagement rings and other jewelry.

Assembled stone

An assembled stone refers to a gemstone or jewelry piece that is composed of multiple smaller stones or fragments that are assembled or set together to create a larger whole. This technique allows for creative combinations of colors, shapes, and textures in jewelry design.

Assur-bani-pal Bracelet

The Assur-bani-pal Bracelet is a historical jewelry artifact associated with King Assur-bani-pal, an ancient Assyrian ruler. The bracelet is believed to be from the 7th century BCE and is known for its intricate craftsmanship and royal symbolism.

Astarte pendant

An Astarte pendant refers to a pendant featuring the image or symbol of Astarte, an ancient Near Eastern goddess associated with fertility, love, and war. Astarte pendants are often designed in the form of a female figure and were popular in ancient jewelry.


Asteria is a term used in gemology to describe a gemstone that exhibits a star-like phenomenon known as asterism. Asterism is caused by the presence of needle-like inclusions that intersect to form a star pattern when viewed under certain lighting conditions.


Asterism is an optical phenomenon observed in certain gemstones, particularly star sapphires and star rubies. It refers to the appearance of a star-shaped pattern, known as a star, that emerges when light is reflected from the included needle-like inclusions within the gemstone.

Astronomical ring

An astronomical ring is a type of ring that incorporates celestial or astronomical motifs, such as stars, planets, or zodiac symbols. These rings often have intricate designs and are favored by individuals with an interest in astronomy or a fascination with celestial objects.


A design principle in jewelry where elements are intentionally varied and not identical on both sides. Asymmetry adds visual interest and a sense of organic beauty to jewelry pieces, breaking away from traditional symmetrical designs.

Auction House

A specialized venue where jewelry, art, and other valuable items are sold through competitive bidding. Auction houses play a crucial role in the secondary market for jewelry, offering a platform for buyers and sellers to engage in transparent and competitive transactions.

Augustus Cameo

The Augustus Cameo is a famous ancient Roman cameo carving depicting the portrait of Emperor Augustus. It is a significant historical artifact known for its detailed craftsmanship and artistic value. The cameo is believed to date back to the 1st century BCE or 1st century CE.


An aureole is a halo-like feature depicted in religious art, particularly in depictions of saints, angels, or divine figures. In jewelry, an aureole can refer to a halo-shaped setting or frame used to accentuate and enhance the appearance of a gemstone or central motif in a piece of jewelry.

Austrian Imperial crown

The Austrian Imperial crown refers to the crown used for the coronation of the monarchs of the Austrian Empire. It is a symbol of royal authority and is typically adorned with precious gemstones and intricate metalwork. The design of the Austrian Imperial crown has evolved over the centuries.

Austrian yellow

Austrian yellow is a term used to describe a specific shade or color of yellow used in jewelry. It may refer to a specific type of yellow gold alloy or a yellow gemstone that is associated with Austria or originated from Austrian mines.

Austrias, Jewel of the

The Jewel of the Austrias is a prestigious and historic jewelry artifact associated with the Spanish monarchy, particularly the Habsburg dynasty. It refers to a collection of crown jewels and regalia that symbolize the royal power and wealth of the Spanish rulers.


Avant-Garde refers to a style or movement in art, fashion, and jewelry that is characterized by innovative and unconventional ideas, often challenging traditional norms and pushing boundaries. Avant-Garde jewelry is known for its unique designs and experimental approach to materials and techniques.


Ave is a Latin word meaning "hail" or "greetings." In jewelry, Ave may refer to religious jewelry, particularly rosaries, where the term is used to represent the first word of the Hail Mary prayer: "Ave Maria." It is often associated with Catholic religious jewelry.


Aventurescence is an optical phenomenon seen in certain gemstones, particularly aventurine quartz. It refers to the appearance of glittering or shimmering reflections caused by the presence of mineral inclusions, typically composed of mica or other minerals, within the gemstone.


Aventurine is a type of quartz that is known for its translucent to opaque appearance and its sparkling or shimmering effect, called aventurescence. It is typically green in color, but can also occur in shades of red, blue, brown, and other colors due to the presence of mineral impurities.

Aventurine feldspar

Aventurine feldspar is a type of feldspar mineral that exhibits aventurescence, similar to aventurine quartz. It is characterized by its reflective and glittering appearance caused by the presence of mineral inclusions within the feldspar structure.

Aventurine quartz

Aventurine quartz is a variety of quartz that exhibits aventurescence. It is known for its translucent to opaque appearance and its sparkly effect, which is caused by the presence of tiny inclusions of mineral material, typically mica, within the quartz structure.

Averbode, Pectoral Cross of Abbot of

The Pectoral Cross of the Abbot of Averbode is a significant religious artifact associated with the Abbot of Averbode, a position within the Catholic Church. It refers to a pectoral cross, a cross pendant worn by high-ranking clergy, that is specifically associated with the Abbot of Averbode.

Awabi Pearl

Awabi Pearl, also known as abalone pearl, is a type of pearl produced by certain species of abalone, a marine mollusk. These pearls are highly valued for their iridescent play of colors, ranging from blue, green, and pink to purple and silver. They are often used in fine jewelry.


Awaw is a term used in jewelry to describe a style or design inspired by the traditional adornments and jewelry of indigenous cultures, particularly from the Philippines. Awaw jewelry often features intricate metalwork, colorful gemstones, and cultural motifs of the region.

Axe god

Axe god refers to a deity or divine figure associated with axes in various ancient cultures and mythologies. In jewelry, axe god motifs can be seen in pendants, amulets, or other ornaments featuring the symbol or representation of the axe god, often seen as a protective or sacred symbol.

Aztec jewelry

Aztec jewelry refers to the adornments and ornaments created by the Aztec civilization, an ancient Mesoamerican culture that thrived in the region of present-day Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries. Aztec jewelry was crafted using various materials such as gold, silver, jade, turquoise, and other colorful gemstones. It often featured intricate designs, symbolism, and representations of deities.


Azure refers to a vibrant blue color, often resembling the color of the sky on a clear day. In jewelry, azure can be associated with gemstones such as blue sapphires, blue topaz, or lapis lazuli, which exhibit various shades of blue reminiscent of the azure hue.


Azurite is a deep blue mineral that is prized for its intense color and is often used in jewelry. It is a copper carbonate mineral that forms in the oxidized zones of copper ore deposits. Azurite is known for its rich blue hue and can display vibrant blue crystals or be used as a material for cabochons and beads in jewelry-making.